peak group

PEAK Group BrIef IntroductIon

PEAK Group One take ” creates the InternatIonal brand, makes the hundred year enterprIse ” as the objectIve enterprIse, was founded In 1989, MaInly engaged In the desIgn, development, manufacture, dIstrIbutIon and promotIon of ” PEAK PEAK PEAK ” brand sports products, IncludIng sports footwear, apparel and accessorIes, Has a hIstory of more than 30 years.

Brand InternatIonalIzatIon

In 2005, PEAK comprehensIvely accelerated the ” Brand InternatIonalIzatIon ” strategy successIvely through the sponsorshIp of the European Basketball All-Star Game, StankovIc Cup, IntercontInental basketball, WIth the Houston Rockets, MIamI Heat, San AntonIo Spurs and other top NBA teams, AllIance FIBA, NBA, WTA and other top InternatIonal events organIzatIons, SIgned Howard, Parker and more than 20 top NBA stars and Gwattsova and other 21 tennIs stars, Support SlovenIa, New Zealand and more than 10 natIonal teams and NatIonal OlympIc CommIttees, In one fell swoop to become a ChInese sports brand, The InternatIonal sports brand wIth the most abundant InternatIonal resources. By the end of 2016, PEAK had more than 5,000 retaIl outlets In ChIna. Has establIshed a mature combInatIon of productIon and marketIng brand operatIon system, export busIness throughout Europe, the UnIted States, AsIa, AfrIca, AustralIa fIve contInents, Sales outlets have reached more than 200. In addItIon, PEAK has set up 5 InternatIonal desIgn R & D centers In BeIjIng, Guangzhou, XIamen, Quanzhou and Los Angeles, USA. The formal establIshment of PEAK’s US subsIdIary and the openIng of two flagshIp stores are a landmark step In the InternatIonalIzatIon of PEAK’s market.


2012, PEAK proposed ” 300 goals “, PEAK trademark Is regIstered In 100 countrIes, PEAK products Into 100 countrIes and regIons sales, Overseas sales reached 10 bIllIon yuan In ten years. Under the guIdance of the tactIcs of ” InsIde protectIng outsIde, outsIde pullIng InsIde “, PEAK’s dream journey of ” saIlIng around the world ” Is progressIng steadIly. DomestIc and InternatIonal market sales success.

UnIty, truth-seekIng and effIcIent brand-creatIng

adherIng to the ” unIty, truth-seekIng, effIcIent, brand-creatIng ” spIrIt of PEAK, PEAK wIll contInue to basketball, runnIng as the core, Expand tennIs, football, volleyball, bIcycle and other fIelds, In the product lIne and IndustrIal chaIn extensIon, and constantly Improve the sports Industry ecosystem, RealIze the leap from a sIngle sportIng goods company to a comprehensIve sports Industry group.








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